Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How to Delete Old Versions of a K2 blackpearl 4.5 Workflow

  1. Go to the K2 workspace on the machine that K2 is running on (Example URL:
  2. Click on Management (in the top nav) > Management Console
  3. Expand the node for the machine that is running K2 > Workflow Server > Processes > WorkflowName
  4. For each workflow node, do the following:
    1. Expand the workflow node (e.g. Workflow1, Workflow2, etc.)
    2. Click on the 'Versions' node
    3. Click on 'Delete Process' in the top navigation menu in the panel to the right
    4. On the 'Delete Process' modal, select the following options:
      • Select the 'Delete all versions except default version' radio button
      • Check the 'Delete all historical (log) data based on the versions deleted' checkbox
      • Click the 'Show Dependencies' button in the top nav
      • Click the 'Delete' button in the top nav
      • Confirm the delete by clicking the 'Yes' button on the Warning message box
      • You can validate that the old versions of the workflow were deleted by going back to the Versions node of the workflow and checking that only 1 version of the workflow exists in the list.